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Re: Sound changes

From:H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
Date:Saturday, August 24, 2002, 13:38
On Sat, Aug 24, 2002 at 12:17:27PM +0000, Andreas Johansson wrote:
> The Cantonese name _Ng_? Please tell that there's a vowel missing here > somewhere - a word [N=] ought to be illegal!
[snip] No, I believe it *is* [N=]. In fact, my own mother tongue has it too. [N=] (rising tone) means "yellow". Although in my generation, it has become [u~j~i~] instead. T -- A programmer is a device for turning computer programs into spaghetti. A good programmer is a device for turning spaghetti into computer programs.


bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>