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Re: Sound changes

From:Roberto Suarez Soto <ask4it@...>
Date:Monday, September 16, 2002, 11:53
        First of all, thanks to Philip Newton for his
Lingua::SoundChange module. It's awfully fun to play with it :-)

        There are several sound changes that I'd like to apply, to
reflect how a language evolves when it clashes with another one, and how
words in a language change to "fit" other language's sound system (as
some speaker of the second language would say words from the first, I
mean). And I just was wondering if they make sense or are too weird to
be possible :-)

        - /S/ to /j/. It could have two phases: /S/ to /j\/
(palatal fricative, voiced) and then /j\/ to /j/.
        - /K/ to /j/ (I intend to assimilate /S/ and /K/ into the same
          sound and written representation)
        - /r/, at end of word, to /l/
        - /n/, at end of word, to /N/ (english "ng", I mean; I'm
          not sure if /N/ is the right IPA symbol)
        - /{/ to /@/
        - /N/ (as before, english "ng") to /y/, between vocals

        As the first case, they don't have to be immediate changes: they
could change slowly from one to the other along the years.

        Thanks in advance :-)

        Roberto Suarez Soto