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Re: Meet in Europe?

From:Kinetic <list@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 15, 2007, 19:54
Tristan votuala:

> I will be in northern Europe during late September and early October. > Is anyone interested in having a meet?
I've been wondering for a while whether anyone was going to suggest such a thing, actually, what with all the awesome-looking American meeting-up that's been going on. :-) ...ama la kiuvi emaily votuala:
> I definitely > will be going to Bergen & Iceland, and I had no plans to go to > Finland, but if everyone else is going to be there, then why not!
None of those are exactly local to me (UK) but they're all on my list of Places I Want to Go. As it happens I think I'm going to be in Iceland in November, which is slightly bad timing maybe. Also, I've been wanting to visit Finland for ages (and not /just/ because of the language ;-), so why not indeed! In any case it's only a vague sort of thing as I'm not yet sure about timing or financial constraints, but I'm potentially up for it... K.