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Re: Goblin phonology

From:David G. Durand <david@...>
Date:Monday, August 16, 1999, 17:42
>The phonology is based on what is known of Black Speech or Orkish: > >ii uu b/p d t k/g > u f th s/z sh kh/gh h > i m n (n) > oo l r > o > a > aa
/o/ Should be rare in Orkish, the more so the closer the dialect is to the black speech, given Tolkien's note that Black speech totally lacked /o/. The length distinctions seem very reasonable given the ring inscription. I think the grammar should be very regular and agglutinative, given Tolkien's expressed preferences, and his basis for disliking many artificial languages. Of course there should be manay abbreviations and acronyms, for extra hideousness. Good luck with this, I never got that far on it, but it's a good idea. I'd also expect a lot of vowel drift in actual pronunciation: partly because the orcs are so "slovenly" in their speech, and partly because I think some sounds (like turned c, [&] (ae), [I]) are relatively unnatractive. Also glides with central vowels. Shouldn't schwa be in there along with wedge? I'm not commenting on "naturalness" because I suspect esthetics are more important. Morgoth could have corrupted the Orcs' linguistic abilities to produce orkish languages more to his degraded tastes. -- David _________________________________________ David Durand \ \ Director of Development Graduate Student no more! \ Dynamic Diagrams --------------------------------------------\ MAPA: mapping for the WWW \__________________________