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Word Lists-- The Bongo-Bongo sentences en ingles

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 24, 2003, 4:32
Oh well I shoulda done it in the first place. Aside from being uncertain of
how to translate a couple, I don't, as I said, much like them. Give me
knife-wielding bunnies any day. Comments/corrections by native speakers will
be more than welcome.
> > 1. (Él pega a su mujer) He beats his wife. > 2. (Has terminado de pegarme?) Have you stopped beating me? > 3. (Por qué estas golpeando el tambor?) Why are you beating the drum? > 4. (Desde cuando has dejado de golpear a > tu esposo?) When did you stop beating your husband? (lit., since when have
you left off beating....)
> 5. (Nosotros no pegamos a nuestras esposas) We do not beat our wives. > 6. (Ella ha estado pegando a su esposo) She has been beating her husband > 7. (Está enamorada de tí) He/She is in love with you. > 8. (Ellos se han enamorado de nosotros) They (m.) have fallen in love with
> 9. (Ellos estan enamorados de ella) They (m.) are in love with her. > 10. (A los niños les gustan los libros) The children like books (or, the
books).Could also be, "children like books."
> 11. (Nos gusta este libro) We like this book. > 12. (Ella está leyendo este libro) She is reading this book > 13. (Esta chica está leyendo un libro) This girl is reading a book. > 14. (Los libros están sobre la mesa) The books are on the table. > 15. (Los chicos estan acostados) The children are in bed. > 16. (Voy a poner al niño en la cuna) I'm going to put the child to bed
(lit., put the child in the cradle)
> 17. (Alguno de nuestros amigos fuma en > pipa) ??? Some (one, sing) of our friends smokes a pipe. [ I suspect it
should be algunos....fuman...]
> 18. (Fred fuma en pipa) Fred smokes a pipe > 19. (Aquel amigo mio está aqui ahora) That friend (m.) of mine is here now > 20. (El granjero trajo a sus amigos) The farmer brought his friends. > 21. (La chica de ahi es la prometida de Fred) ??? The girl [right here,
or, from here] is Fred's fiancée.
> 22. (Ella llevaba aquel vestido tan caro) She was wearing that very
expensive dress (lit., ...that dress so expensive)
> 23. (Ella siempre viste elegante) She always dresses elegantly. > 24. (Cuanto tiempo estuviste alli?) How long were you there? > 25. (Aquellos amigos tuyos me levantaron temprano) Those friends (m) of
yours woke me up early.
> 26. (Las rosas son bonitas, esta rosa > es realmente bonita) Roses are pretty, this rose is really pretty. > 27. (Hans es un ligón, Kurt las persigue) ?????? Sorry, I don't know what
a ligón (m.) is and it's not in my dictionary; nor why Kurt pursues them (f.)..................
> 28. (Ping es pescador) Ping is a fisherman > 29. (Aquellos ratones ciegos que ves allí asustaron a la esposa del
granjero) Those blind rats/mice that you see over there frightened the farmer's wife.
> 30. (Aquellas chicas tan bonitas siempre estan enamoradas de granjeros
ricos) ???Those pretty girls are always in love with [falling in love with?] rich farmers.
(in 22 and 30, aquel NOUN tan ADJ. is perfectly good Spanish, but seems to have no direct Engl. equivalent; you could make it a relative clause, I guess-- those girls who are so pretty...etc. Also, #30, the Engl. is awkward and so IMHO is the Spanish. I suspect it should have been 'siempre estan enamorándose de...' which would indeed mean 'are always falling in love with....')


Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>
Juan A. Alonso <tervingo@...>
michael poxon <m.poxon@...>