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Re: What stories have influenced your conlanging?

From:ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>
Date:Sunday, October 14, 2007, 3:06
As I mentioned in the other post, Le Guin's linguistic materials in her
various books (LHOD, Dispossessed, Always Coming Home)-- and the knowledge
that she is A.L Kroeber's daughter-- a very prominent anthopologist/linguist
at UC Berkeley in the early 20th C.  All that plus exposure to a great many
languages, grammars and theories in the course of grad. work, plus my own
field work and interest in the languages of Indonesia and the
Malayo-Polynesian world in general.

Somewhere along the way I recall reading "The Languages of Pao" and being

How many have read the book by Kroeber's wife (IIRC) on Ishi, the last
member of his tribe (the Yana [?] of California?  I forget the
title....published around 1967 or so.