Benct Philip Jonsson, On 16/05/2007 09:03:
>...> And Rosta skrev:
>>> /Éadig Éowine
>> Is Eadig (= 'Fortunatus'???) a nonce translation, or is there some
>> tradition to it? I'm wondering if 'blessed' might be rendered
>> differently.
> _Benedictus_ is usually glossed into Swedish as _välsignad_ 'blessed', and
> 'blessed' is one of the glosses of _Éadig_ (and of it's Gothic cognate
> _audags_. The attraction is twofold: (1) it alliterates with _Éowine_ and
> (2) it is the nickname of Éomer in Appendix A of "The Lord of the
> Rings"! :-)
Next question: What would the PDE reflexes of _Éadig Éowine_ be? (I.e. what is
the English for _Benedict Philip_...?)