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Re: ENG. Spelling: Globish (Parallel English with neat spelling)

From:Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 27, 2004, 1:44
--- Remi Villatel <maxilys@...> wrote:
> J Y S Czhang wrote:
> > Farst maan oan Maars iz a wumaan! ;-) >
And this is a perfect example of why this will never work. In my dialect this would be: Furst maen an Mars iz a wuman. We agreed on only one spelling: "a". If one group or person sets the standards then those standards will be "wrong" for every other dialect, and I seriously doubt if you could get more than 5% of the English speaking population to agree on the "correctness" and any one set of standards. Thus the whole idea is unworkable. There3 would be as many spellings as there are dialects. For an international language spelling MUST be somewhat arbitrary, which English already is. Thus, it doesn't need fixing. It's already optimal for its global audience. --gary