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Re: Hildegard's List

From:Adam Walker <dreamertwo@...>
Date:Saturday, April 3, 1999, 20:52
Here at long last is my list of Graavgaaln terms.

A note on pronunciation:

a = monophthongized /ai/
aa = /a/
a^ = inverted a
a* = a ring
& = /&/
e = /E/
ee = /e/
e^ = r-colored schwa
i = /I/
ii = /i/
i^ = barred i
o = /O/
oo = /o/
o" = unround O
o"o" = unround o
o/ = oe ligature
o/o/ = o slash
u = /U/
uu = /u/
u" = unrounded U
u"u" = inverted m
y" = /Y/
y"y" =/y/

1) God, dods, angels, saints, demons

Ghraaghnguurghdhaav -- the Almighty
hroogh -- a god, a deity
jhoongnaagh -- a god, a deity (unsure how this differs from above)
Graamuurghull -- king of the gods
Mu"rgh -- god of strength
Naavaagh -- god of endurance
Tikliik -- goddess of skill
Hoovaazh -- goddess of intellect
Liivaav -- god of elloquence
Pferdug -- goddess of insight
Vro/nglo/rgh -- god of war
Vro/ghlang -- goddess of healing
Britudhaav -- goddess of spring, birth
Thezaadhaav -- god of summer, sweat
Jhemaadhaav -- goddess of atumn, plenty
Zisdhaav -- god of winter, death, graves
Zisdhaav nezh ha*zho/ng -- the twelve diseases
Hiisshaaslaapf -- demon of weakness
zhoogh -- you (devine)

2) Family relationships

nec vrraaji -- relatons of the first degree
nec jeghji -- relations of the second degree
nec drozji -- relations of the third degree
nec gizhji -- relations of the fourth degree
nec nu"u"vji -- relations cf the fifth degree
nec ka*ji -- relations of the sixth degree
drroobu^ -- father
ghemu^ -- mother
zho/ng -- son
haazhaab -- daughter
gornache^rn -- sister of a male
nevzhegh -- brother of a female
wervaa -- older sistr of a female
yevol -- younger sister of a female
zhem -- older brother of a male
jh&k -- younger brother of a male
ha*zho/ng -- offspring
debdrroobu^ -- grandfather from same sex parent
debghemu^ -- grandmother from same sex parent
debdhaav -- grandparent from opposite sex parent
cetkhut -- inheritor
chegh -- mate

3) Parts of the body

daaghverd -- body
kneg -- bone
droongogh -- muscle
d'aaghaan -- chest
jehev -- square-chested
vekee -- shoulder
vekeenu^ -- especially broad-shouldered
chrong -- abs
haazhbraav -- thigh
gedh -- calf
maargh -- upper arm
dhoongg -- upper arm in 4:1 ratio to hight
ghaam -- upper arm in 3:1 ratio to hight
xaama^ -- upper arm in 2:1 ratio to hight
xohru^ -- upper arm in 1.75:1 o better ratio to hight
tocy"n -- serratus (litterally "scales") also called Mu"rgh nezh drriign
-- Mu"rgh's fingers
haachaab -- fist
jheg -- tendon
jhelezhjhen -- intestines, guts
thezaav -- sweat

4) Diseases of the body

saavaa -- the wheeze
liishs -- ashtenia
thezhh&k -- the mucus disease (really gross, you don't want to know)
znigo"r -- the rot, leprosy, tzara`at
vraaxokh -- death by natural causes
vraaxokh pulltla* -- to die of natural causes
zis -- ignoble death
hezhu^jhaazh -- death in combat
ly" -- to injure oneself lifting
sheblaaz -- boils
fe^rzhaak (roongogh) -- torn muscle
fe^rzhaakjheg -- torn or severed tendon
ciitskneg -- broken bone
qotpy" -- arthritis
pfuug -- intestinitis (SEVERE intestinal cramping and constipation)
dzevaa -- leukemia
kr&g -- cramp
chebkr&g -- the great cramp, heart attack
buzh bol -- vomiting
melti^ntu^ -- the trots
ble^b -- paunch

5) Names relating to church or religion

breeng hu"u"g -- twelve rites
nedhu"u"g -- birth rite
nedh -- birth, to be born
zhdaavu"u"g -- naming ceremony
zhdaav -- name, to be named
chellbu"u"g -- marriage ceremony
chellb -- marriage, to marry
vaarngu"u"g -- rites of burrial
vaarng -- burial, to burry
shtro/kh -- priest
lib'raalln -- philosopher
yipshnaanaax -- way of percieving
thikhzaakh -- percieved reality
b'ezhdaadh -- true reality
pferg -- soul
qlaamz -- honor
cha^ll -- righteousness
dhrood -- evil
faarvuurni^ghdruugh -- blaspheme
zhvu^llng -- to prostrate oneself

6) Names relating to secular hierarchies

grev -- emperor
gnorgh -- petty king, prince regnant
zhvu"u"ng -- caste
ghrohrzhaav -- warrior
b'rullvarn -- smithy
vaazhgh -- laborer
siiktaa -- outcaste
graamjhev -- kratarch
graamhodh -- kratocracy
zengxarzh -- war
ghango/gh -- honorable enemy
vla*g -- dishonorable enemy
khbi^rgh -- traitor
bvollch -- protect
ghaakh -- to fight
brolvarng -- victory
nglo/ng -- to kill in a challenge match
nglo/jhu"vaach -- challenge match
zandaak breeng -- to do twelve push-ups
maarghalln -- master
ghraamdhaav -- governor

7) Parts of trade and craft

vraanggh -- steel
siikktaavezh -- brass
dhe^rrdhaat -- bronze
ngaar -- artisan
ngaavgi^k -- athlete
b'rullvarn -- smithy
bvolljhnaav -- herder
shux -- pasture
niru"vo"sh -- to do as a career
b'rull -- hammer
b'rullchegh -- anvil
shiiscuuz -- merchant
vraaghproond -- spaceport
de^rpuujh -- starchart
kaacaav -- brick
siikun -- servant
maarghalln -- master
ziszhnaalv -- assasin
zisdhaav nezh siikun -- assasin's guild

8) Days, months, seasons of the year, hours, minutes

shiiv -- time
jaazh -- the past
jaarzh -- the distant past
britushiiv -- spring
pflejhvelonshiiv -- summer
khl&gshiiv -- autumn
zisciiv -- winter
vu^ng vraaji -- first moon (high March)
nedhvu^ng -- birth (low April)
chebngiivu^n(vu^ng) greatstorms (high April)
thezaavu^ng -- sweat (high July)
brollvarngvu^ng -- victory (low August)
ghraaghnorghvu^ng meteorite (low September)
chellbvu^ng -- marriage (high September)
thevaavvu^ng -- hunting (low October)
qy"pfvung -- farmer (high October)
yiishciizu^ngiivu^n(vu^ng) -- lesserstorms (low November)
dzedzavu^ng -- dzedza (high November)
drri^zhvu^ng -- bittercold (high January)
n~y"y"sleevu^ng -- rains (low March)

9)Quotidian things of life

hiijaazha -- large hand bowl
tsu^kazh -- small hand bowl
waazhoov -- large Vietnamese-style soup bowl
ho"o"mu^gh - two-handled bowl
chuuv -- shot glass
nuungwuv -- goblet
haavaaghegh -- jerkin
chov -- armband
qgov -- torque (or torc)
kwaafu^ -- mildly addictive drink something like coffee or cocoa
dzedza -- a plant cultivated for its leaves, roots, fruit and nectar
chemva -- fermented dzedza nectar
xox -- HOT chilis
qy"pf -- farmer
khl&g -- harvest
rraghverll -- low-quality farm
hr&m -- ox-elephant
thevav -- to follow, hunt, track
khrolt -- fighting rod
shtrellt -- road

10) Parts of the natural world

vrenzho/o/r -- cloudy sky
vraagh -- night sky
velon -- sun
n~y"y"slee -- to rain
ngiiv -- storm
cishiz -- lightning
trelkaa -- gently flowing or clam water
vraaghnorgh -- meteorite
norghdee -- boulder
vu"zhaagh -- a huge round stone
brunzhvuug -- a slab or monolith
drroogh -- metal
rvaazh -- wood
gvoob'aani -- tree
d,eshtoor -- "balsa" tree
faashly"t -- leaf, feather
ghruurdanggh -- gorrilla-lion
hurzhaa -- pig-dog
zhu"u"ng -- honk-bark of the hurzhaa
jhekhaaw -- "roc" or "peng"
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