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Re: Creative ways to form relative clauses?

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Saturday, December 20, 2008, 15:32
> Daniel Bowman <danny.c.bowman@...> wrote:
> How do your conlangs handle this type of construction? Any > creative (read: non-English and Romance language) ways to handle > this?
Senjecas is SOV. It is my understanding that in this type of language all modifiers are placed before what is modified; it also uses postpositions. I'm sorry I can't quote my source(s), there have been so many. This is how it is done in Senjecas: In place of a relative pronoun, Senjecas uses a relativizer, "jet-." When used as a pronoun, it is declined in the appropriate class, e.g., "jetus," who; "jetos," what; "jetusyo," whose. When used as the object of a postposition the relativizer is suffixed with the appropriate postpostion: "jetafa," off of which; "jeþkemta," alongside of which; "jetena," at which, where, etc. I hate the man who hit me yesterday. m-us jet-us m-um jhes-aamr-ëvi per paalg-a mhir-um tsed-a. yester-day-ADV PAST hit-IND hate- IND Charlie


Matthew Turnbull <ave.jor@...>
Paul Kershaw <ptkershaw@...>
Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>