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Re: Yaguello [was: Re: LUNATIC again]

From:BP.Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Friday, November 27, 1998, 20:55
At 17:12 24.11.1998 +0000, And Rosta wrote:
>Sally: >> Marina Yaguello made this same mistake, caving in to the same old >> stereotypes about invented languages. Only HER target was auxiliary >> languages, which she attacks with a personal vengeance that is unsettling >> (most inventors of language are middle-European; most of them don't know a >> thing about linguistics--which she "corroborates" with the remark in a >> note that professional linguists don't do this, despite Jespersen, >> Saussure, etc. etc; most of them are dreamers; most of them are
FWIW the Esperantist Saussure wasn't the linguist Saussure, but his brother Rene'. Never heard that the other objected to his brother's interest, though! BTW: _Was_ Marr really a conlanger? [Yes! I'm _*REALLY*_ behind in my mail. My old harddisk drive finally decided that it wouldn't play anymore, and it took some time to find a substitute at an acceptable price.] /BP ---------------------------------------------------- <bpj@...> Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant! (Tacitus)