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I have a dream

From:Christopher B Wright <faceloran@...>
Date:Thursday, July 18, 2002, 14:09

I had a dream, and in that dream was a man. He was a Japanese man. And
for some reason, he changed /e/ to [ej] when final and in a few other
positions as well.

Does this actually happen with Japanese people, or just with anglophones
trying to speak Japanese? If it's the latter, anglophones will have
trouble with Sturnan, but Japanese people won't.


"You take a Number Three crucible, put some cooking oil in, and cook corn
kernels until they explode. But they don't cause destruction, they just
make these. I call them banged grains."
" put a little butter and salt on top, and they taste like salty


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>