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Re: Evolution of governments (was: Consistency in naming)

From:Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Date:Saturday, November 15, 2003, 0:52
--- John Cowan <cowan@...> wrote:
> Costentin Cornomorus scripsit: > > > > perhaps annually for a month or so. > > > > There is a curiously humorous (mis)reading of > > that! > > Hmp.
> > I am sure that the Kemrese form of government > and > > its Senate come about through a long standing > > tradition of Romanity and always having had a > > Senate. > > I think Andrew said that Owen Glendower is the > Father of the Kemrese Senate.
Perhaps he was looking back on the Good Olde Dayes? Padraic. ===== la cieurgeourea provoer mal trasfu ast meiyoer ke 'l andrext ben trasfu. -- Ill Bethisad -- <> Come visit The World! -- <> .