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Re: fresh meat <-------

From:Almaran Dungeonmaster <dungeonmaster@...>
Date:Friday, December 14, 2001, 13:37
Christopher carter wrote:

> I just joined this mailing list and I cannot believe the > community I found. > > <CUT> > > I just wanted to say that I am in love with this new thing i discovered. > And some of you people crack me up. (e.g. Maarten)
Well, I guess this is the list with the shortest newbie period I have ever been on. I only started posting a couple of weeks ago myself, and I am already being quoted. And I don't even participate in the semi-deep, semi-funny sig-thing. Oops, now I have insulted some more people :-( Well, Christopher, welcome to the online conlang community. It is the first time I am saying this to a new guy, so now I can consider myself officially "not new anymore" (which is not the same as "already old"). Question: I noticed that people whose names start with "Christ-" are generally considered to be friendly, outgoing people, who invite co-conlangers at their houses (the Grandsire variety) and tell them how funny they are (the Carter-type). Is this just so in Dutch, or are their other natlangs where this happens as well? How about in people's conlangs? Maarten


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>