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Re: What happened to the CSUR? (< TECH: Unicode Private Use Area)

From:Rebecca Bettencourt <beckiergb@...>
Date:Saturday, February 2, 2008, 20:19
On Feb 7, 2008 5:44 AM,  <li_sasxsek@...> wrote:
> I only wish I knew how to get in touch with them. I e-mailed > them months ago with the Deini script (ED00-ED1F) but apparently > nobody's bothing to maintain the site any more. >
I'd like to know how to get in touch with them too. I've been trying to get these in there: The site says it was last updated on 2006-05-28. Where are the people in charge of it? -- Hasta la pasta, Rebecca Bettencourt. ------------------------------------------------------------ I tried the real world once; didn't really care for it. "I could counter with the fact that a disproportionate number of TG women I know are computer programmers. ::grin:: In fact, there's a joke going around that says exposure to computer screens causes transsexuality." -- Kate Bornstein

