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Re: NPR interview

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 8, 2001, 1:07
> Matt Pearson wrote: > > >I (and the people in the NPR piece) meant "model" figuratively--a > >clever simulacrum, intricately detailed, which resembles the real > >thing in many important ways but is not (or cannot) be used the > >way the real thing is. > > Well, yes, that's the point I take issue with; I can't speak for > anyone but myself, but I resent Valdyan being called "a clever > simulacrum" - that makes it less real. I know it's only in my mind, > but in my mind it has real existence; I can't, for instance, > arbitrarily change it to accommodate new linguistic insights or neat > things I've seen, the way some people like to do with their > languages. That's not what it's *for*. The fact that I can't fully > represent every bit of it is only the inadequacy of the person, not > of the language; I'm still exploring, and it's larger than I know.
How about this as an analogy: Conlanging is like inventing an extremely elaborate and fascinating game that nobody will ever play. --And.


Matthew Kehrt <matrix14@...>
Irina Rempt <ira@...>