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Re: Malat (Was: New Language)

From:Matt Pearson <mpearson@...>
Date:Friday, November 20, 1998, 9:10
Garrett wrote:

>On a side note (about people abandoning languages for better ideas), When >I was younger (say 10 or so, 7 years ago) I started inventing languages. >At the beginning they were basically english with my own vocabulary... i >began getting more sophisticated, making various languages that were >thrown to the side after a couple of days. Then, a 2 years ago (i think), >I got the idea to make a logical language. This would be my final >language, and no others would have to be made. All my best ideas are going >into malat. Long live malat!
I wonder if you'll feel the same in 12 years, when you're my age. (And others would say I'm one of the youngsters on this list...) Malat may no longer be a living language by then, but hopefully you'll still have the same enthusiasm. :-) All hail Tokana, the tongue of angels, the perfect language! Tokana will live forever! *sound of trumpets* Keep up the good work, fellow conlanger... Matt. ------------------------------------ Matt Pearson UCLA Linguistics Department 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543 ------------------------------------