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Re: a minimalist phonology

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 0:21

I just *have* to add that since the thread is about minimalism, that
*two* phonemes are the ultimate solution.

The question is which ones.

I'd suggest some allophones, of course.  At least one consonant and
one vowel each.  Then structure can be CVCVCVCV....  Or for other
speakers CCCCCCCC... or for other VVVVVV....  Whatever.  What about:

  phoneme /0/:   [a] or [k]
  phoneme /1/:   [1] or [n]

Then for the word /10111001/ (e.g. `to eat' (very important word)) you
could say:


  [1an1nak1] would mean the same.

  [knkkknnk], too

and so would

Rubbish, isn't it? :-)  Just my word about minimalism. :-p



jesse stephen bangs <jaspax@...>