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Re: The Smoldering Torched Is Finally Moving On!!!

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 15, 1999, 21:07
> Good! Now Andrew has until tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday) to send it
> to Carlos. Incidentally, will you all please announce to the list
> you've passed the smoldering torch on? That way we know that it's > moving, and I can play the martinet so much more effectively! <G>
I know my number is coming up soon, so fair warning in advance. I will be moving back home after 3 years in Exile ar university. From Friday to Sunday I will be packing, moving, unpacking, and getting drunk, in no particular order. How many more people before me now? --- Fabian Rule One: Question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable, eff the ineffable, think the unthinkable, and screw the inscrutable.