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Brief Sketch of Pala

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 16, 2001, 7:32
Here's what boredom borne from losing your homework assignment sheet will
cause :). I had mentioned i was re-working my personal language, and
called it Pala. Here's what i have so far:

a, e, i, o, u

b, p, m, w,

t, d, n, l, s,

k, g, h,

f, v,

x /S/, z, c /tS/

Triconsonantal roots: BRT

- common noun: CaCiCe - barite
- verb infinitive: CeCCi - berti
- adjective: CiCuCo - biruto
- adverb: CeCaCu - beratu
- instrumental noun - CaCCu - bartu
- doer noun (one that does) - CeCeCo - bereto
- causative noun (one that causes) - CiCuCe - birute
- plural: -zin - baritezin

Verbal suffixes:

- infinitive: CeCCi - berti
- past: -zra - bertizra
- present:-ta - bertita
- future: -can - bertican
- imperative: -tax - bertitax!
- reflexive: -m- (added between infinitive and tense ending) - bertimta
- conditional: -pak - bertipak
- passivity: -m - bertizram


Always penultimate, if differing, will be indicated by accent.

Word order: VSO


- Definite: az - Az vazire
- indefinite: dar - Dar vazire


I, me - maw
you form. - tix
you fam. - min
they/them - zawt
we/us inc. - tri
we/us exc. - dan
it - ra


one - xay
two - va
three - ge
four - dray
five - hit
six - mix
seven - law
eight - nirt
nine - taz
ten - pri

After ten to twenty the numbers are pri + ta (and) + number:

eleven - pritaxay
twelve - pritava
thirteen - pritage
fourteen - pritadray
fivteen - pritahit
sixteen - pritamix
seventeen - pritalaw
eighteen - pritanirt
nineteen - pritataz

for twenty, thirty, etc, it's the basic numbers + ta + pri:

twenty - vatapri
thirty - getapri
fourty - draytapri
fifty - hittapri
sixty - mixtapri
seventy - lawtapri
eighty - nirttapri
ninety - taztapri

then you add -sa (plus) + number:

twentyone - vataprisaxay
twentytwo - vataprisava
twentythree - vataprisage
twentyfour - vataprisadray
twentyfive - vataprisahi

and so on.

Very rough, very basic. Probably wont evolve much.


Now i'm older and i feel like
i could let some of this anger fade
but it seems the surface i am scratching
is the bed i have made....