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Teinvard (was also: hi)

From:The RipperDoc <ripperdoc@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 16, 2001, 11:29
> > By an act of the gods (people assume), the > > complete knowledge of the old language (except the pronounciation, were
> > tulonians guessed) got into the hands of the tulonians, and they
> > tried to spread the knowledge across the world. > > Do you mean that they *actually* knew the old language, or that the > Tulonians merely *believe* that their language is the old language?
Yes, they knew the old language (but, then, who knows? maybe only the gods...), except that some details of the language were difficult to re-create (as exact spelling and pronounciation). I should add that the knowledge of Teinvard is said to have been given to the Tulonians by a sort of half-god, who brought books and old carvings. As the creator, I know that the Tulonian language is quite similar to Teinvard, but not the same language. Tulonian is more naturalistic.
> > For example, it lacks the use of pronouns completely > > How does one then refer to oneself or to the person being spoken to?
The Teinvard speaker could use some specialized nouns, which refers to "inwards" or "outwards", and in spoken language, he could use tone variations and body language. In written text, were there can be no room for interpretations (as in juridical texts), the formulation tends to be quite complex and exaggerated because of this. Ex. "The-perpetrator-of-the-crime-of-stealing-cattle should be sentenced to death, or to be imprisoned, if the-victim-of-the-crime-of-stealing-cattle, i.e. the-person-that-lost-the-cattle..." (etcetera) Not a very good example, I see now... /RipperDoc /RipperDoc