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Re: Results of Poll by Email No. 27

From:mathias <takatunu@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 8, 2003, 12:28
Joe <joe@...> a écrit:
Sentence is the right word.  I think these guys are wrong.  But only in
English, and a few other IE langs.  There are a lot of Languages that don't
have a verb 'to be' and just slam two nouns together, quite gramatically.
"Ralph (is a) doctor." Always an interesting starting point for a few aborted conlangs of mine :-) Some people will infer an equative 0-copula stuck to "doctor" to make it a verb (that is, one of the several uses of English "to be"). But I might as well infer an essive 0-case tag on Ralph to contrast it as a noun. Depends on your own conlanging bias ;-) Some avoid talking about noun/verb and say Ralph is an argument and Doctor a predicate, regardless where the linking dark material is to be spotted with Hubble. But eventually the two smurfs pair as an entity and its behaviour as any sentences ("orações?":-) need.