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Re: Results of Poll by Email No. 27

From:David Starner <dvdeug@...>
Date:Monday, April 7, 2003, 2:05
On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 10:34:16PM -0300, João Ricardo Oliveira wrote:
> > (BTW: How is having the verb first particularly 'logical'? I can > > understand why someone might say SVO (or ever OVS) was logical, but I > > have trouble with understand any logicalness in VSO (or OSV ). > > The verb is the most important part of the sentence. You can have a sentence > without an object and even without a subject, but never without a verb.
How about "You there!", or "Rain."? -- David Starner - It's the terror of knowing/What this world is about Watching some good friends/Screaming 'Let me out' -- Queen, "Under Pressure"


H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>