Ben Poplawski said:
> One of my collecting-dust projects that I have recently unearthed involves
> a story with a considerable history to it. It's going to involve several
> different conlangs with historical change and forming of dialects factored
> in.
> <snipped description of Ben's project>
You're doing with artlangs in a conworld what I'm doing with engelangs
without an associated conworld (in the usual sense).
My intention is to let some software wear down a few rough edges in
Classical Yiklamu (perhaps the /yi/'s and /wu/'s and some of the more
unpleasant clusters) to produce a smallish and relatively homogeneous
Vulgar Yiklamu speech community. From there I want to model language
diffusion and change over a suitably interesting (but fictional)
topography until I obtain languages that are not co-intelligible with VY
nor with each other.
I'm sure I won't be able to prevent myself from trying this several
different times with various parameters and topographies, so I'm sure I'll
wind up with Yiklamu language families in several parallel universes.
-- Mark