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Re: Non-verbal communication

From:Sarah Marie Parker-Allen <lloannna@...>
Date:Friday, February 28, 2003, 21:07
Exactly.  They keep trying to move closer, I keep trying to move away, and
thus at a cocktail party at a foreign embassy it looks like everyone is
performing an extremely sloppy and slow waltz without actually touching each

This also occurs completely within our own culture, though.  I don't hug
people I'm not related to or in a pretty darned close relationship with (I
can count the people who I would allow to hug me in the low 20s, and I've
known all of them for at least 8 months -- most of them, I've known for more
than 5 years).  There are people out there who hug everyone all the time.
So when someone looks like they're going to hug me, I step back a little.
Last Wednesday night, we (a Hugger and I) travelled a good 10 feet without
me even noticing.

Sarah Marie Parker-Allen

"I will not turn into a snake. It never helps." -- Rules for the Evil

> -----Original Message----- > Behalf Of Roger Mills
> Ah, but consider: our 30-36inch space seems stand-offish and unnerving to > them....... >
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