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Re: Reflexive encoded by case-stacking?

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Sunday, January 15, 2006, 22:57

Keith Gaughan <kmgaughan@...> writes:
> Henrik Theiling wrote: > > > Does any conlang (or natlang) encode reflexives by adding two > > case-endings? E.g. >... > My Térnaru does that, however, it's a kinda-sorta-trigger language. I'll > give an example. 'An' is the patient trigger and 'a' is the actor > trigger. > > an-a-Lídu ták _or_ Lídu an-a-ták. > Lidu hit himself.
Ah, nice, that's about what I was searching for. How does the marking work? Why can the two prefixes be with both words? 'T?k' means 'to hit'? **Henrik PS: This mailer cannot handle utf8 as you might have noticed... -- Relay 13 is forthcoming:


Keith Gaughan <kmgaughan@...>