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Re: Requesting some challenging sentences

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Saturday, October 29, 2005, 23:39

caotope writes:
> > > I always forget what applicatives are and what they're > > > doing :( I only remember Henrik once explaining me it's > > > approximately the difference between "We speak about > > > the book" and "We 'bespeak' the book" (note that that's > > > grammatical in German). > > > > An applicative raises an oblique argument to direct object, > > thus turning a ditransitive or intransitive clause into a > > (mono)transitive clause. > > Aren't there also restrictions on what semantic role the oblique > argument may have? I'd be surprized to see eg. source or path raised > to direct object called an "applicative".
Examples for the path being promoted to direct object exist in German: Er schreitet über den Weg. - He moves along the path. Er beschreitet den Weg. - He (starts to) follow[s] the path. The latter is often used idiomatically (i.e. ~'He does it that way.') when talking of the outcome of a decision, which is why I gave 'starts to ...' (i.e. ~'He decided to do it that way.'). Both sentences are clearly written language. For 'source', I only come up with examples where an oblique argument becomes dative argument: Er flieht aus der Stadt. - He flees from the city. Er entflieht der Stadt. - -"- Whether this actually is an applicative -- I don't know. That probably depends on the formal definition.
> This of course begs a question or two: what else than instruments can > be applicativized? And what are the voices raising other sorts of > oblique arguments called?
I think they are all called applicatives. In my conlang Qthyn|gai, this operation is productive for all oblique cases and I just call them like 'locative applicative'. **Henrik