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Re: Requesting some challenging sentences

From:caotope <johnvertical@...>
Date:Sunday, October 30, 2005, 0:26
Okay, this is somewhat off the topic (with respect to this thread, not
the list), but - I think I missed your point on the complement of
"to". Why exactly can a verb not be its own complement? I'd think the
copula was pretty much *defined* as the binary operator for which a =
b and b = a are equal (or as the verb that *is* its own complement).
(Unless you want to get philosophical on how you perhaps cannot
include "equality" in the defition of the copula.)

Anyway, it seems to me that you have a sort of animacy hierarchy in
place, approx. pronouns > nouns > adjectives, and "ebo" (or
complementary verbs in general) is used when the "A" word is higher of
the hierarchy than the "S" word. Is this correct? Would "anlu to devu"
be ungrammatical?

John Vertical


Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>