Eric Christopherson 'writes:
> Could someone point out to me a list of subject line tags (you know,
> like THEORY, CHAT, etc.)? I can't seem to find it.
This FAQ will probably shortly (yes!) be installed as a monthly post
to this list.
> Also, I joined the Yahoo Conlang group ...
> ... hoping the list was posted there somewhere, and noticed that it
> resides in a part of Yahoo called "Yahoo Tech Groups." Never
> noticed that before. Kind of odd, since this isn't really a
> tech-related list.
> Also, I noticed that the "description" of the Yahoo group is
> truncated. I guess there must be a length limitation; perhaps
> someone could edit it down so it fits.
Unfortunately, no-one can edit the Yahoo group settings anymore since
no-one is list admin there anymore and no-one at Yahoo will ever
respond to any queries. The Yahoo mirroring only causes problems and
constant problems. And confusion.
Please make sure to join the group at Brown.edu (see above link) and
to quit it at Yahoo and completely forget that it exists at Yahoo, as
I am close to shutting down the link to Yahoo if too many more
problems with Yahoo arise... (Angry protesting welcome. :-))