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Re: The sacred name (was: ach y fi etc)

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Thursday, March 4, 2004, 15:46
--- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...> wrote:
> Benct Philip Jonsson eskriviw: > > <<Surely those standing on the other side of the > Curtain > could hear him on that one day?>> > > My impression from contemporary Yom Kippur liturgy > passage telling > about Y.K. service in the times of the Second Temple > is that indeed > the people could hear the High Priest, as the > passage says: "And > when the assembly heard him pronouncing the Holy > Name, they > prostrated on the groud reciting 'May the name of > his glorious > kingdom be blessed for ever and ever'". I can look > for a precise > reference and/or quotation from Y.K. mahhzor > (prayerbook) at home if > necessary. > > -- Yitzik
I don't see how that would be physically possible. The high priest would be standing behind the rather substantial curtain which would absorb most of the sound. So his voice would have to carry through the curtain out of the Holy of Holies and all the way across the Holy Place out to the courtyards (through the doors of the Holy Place?) to be heard by the people. The people weren't allowed into the Holy Place on Yom Kippur were they? I can accept that a priest standing very close to the curtain might be able to hear the Name, but the crowds outside? Perhaps the passage in the Mahhzor is referring to the Tabernacle period. Now that I could find plausibile. Adam ===== Indjindrud edjuebu ul Josias ad ul Jeconias ed ils sus frarris in il deporrachuni in al Baviluña, ed debostu il deporrachuni in al Baviluña, indjindrud ul Jeconias ad ul Salatil. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Salatiel ad ul Zorubaviu. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Zorobaviu ad ul Abiud. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Abiud ad ul Eliacim. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eliacim ad ul Azor. Machu 1:11-13


Adam Walker <carrajena@...>YEAFPT- Yet another French pronunciation thread
Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>