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Re: USAGE : English past tense and participle in -et

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Sunday, December 28, 2003, 4:47
Mark J. Reed scripsit:

> "Infix fucatives". Heh. That's a new one for me. (My favorite term > for the phenomenon is "infuckingsertion".)
AFAIK the terms "fucative" and "drecative" (they are grammatically different categories, for we say "F*** you!" but "S*** on you!") were invented by Quang Phuc Dong (deceased) of the South Hanoi Institute of Technology. Had I invented them, I would at least have doubled the "c".
> Is there a special term for the spooneristic reversal of such for > euphemistic purposes, as in "unbeluckingfievable!"
Euphemospoonerofucatives? -- "[T]he Unicode Standard does not encode John Cowan idiosyncratic, personal, novel, or private use characters, nor does it encode logos or graphics."


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>