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Re: Help with IPA, Gothic

From:Beau Didler <danlefrancais@...>
Date:Thursday, January 8, 2004, 14:05
Thanks for all the responses.  It's been a great help.  The source that I'm
working from is not a complete romanization; the /T/ is still being
represented by a thorn;  to help in understanding the BP sign, I will show
examples, Capital L representing the pound;

af-Lapjan to choke, quench.
af_Lapnan to be chocked, be quenched.
aLa river, water
aiLa-tundi, thornbush, lit. horse tooth.
ain-Larjiz-uh, everyone each.

I hope that helps you all to see possibly where I'm coming from. As for
other pronunciation, should I just assume an equivalency to Modern German?
Thanks so much.  For those of you who konw it, or wish to take time to look
it up on the web, I'm basing this all off of the Glossary from Joseph
Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language.

I've got a couple of vowel questions as well; throughout the pages I've got
nearly every vowel at one point or another shown with a hachek (^) can any
of you explain the meaning of those?  one example is d^ogs = days, /dOgz/
I'm surmising would be the correct pronunciation, though I'm not sure.
Thanks again!



Tristan McLeay <zsau@...>