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Re: [Conlangs-Conf] Witty slogan

From:Hanuman Zhang <zhang@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 7, 2006, 20:05

   *emerging out of the Conlang bombshelter*

   Ok, how about "Language Design: Constructed Verbing REALLY Weirds
or sumt'ing like that....


Hanuman Zhang, 3-Toed-Sloth-Style Gungfu Typist  ;)
"the sloth is a chinese poet upsidedown" --- Jack Kerouac {1922-69}

   "There is no reason for the poet to be limited to words, and in fact the
poet is most poetic when inventing languages. Hence the concept of the poet
as 'language designer'."  --- O. B. Hardison, Jr.

"La poesie date d' aujour d'hui."   (Poetry dates from today)
"La poesie est en jeu."             (Poetry is in play)
               --- Blaise Cendrars


Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>