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Re: Personality Question

From:Dana Nutter <sasxsek@...>
Date:Thursday, June 22, 2006, 0:09
li [veritosproject@GMAIL.COM] mi tulis la

> Is it just me, or do we all seem to be the types of people > that either: > 1) start a project, get bored, and then in a couple days move on to > something else, > or > 2) get carried away on our projects? > > The first seems to be the funlangers, and the second seems to be the > conworlders.
Well, I actually switching between the two. I tend to work hard on a project for a while until I start getting burned out, then switch my attention to something different from conlanging for a while, then move my attention back to conlanging when I get tired of whatever else I've been doing. Lately I've been making a lot of progress (love this new 19" monitor!) on my lexicon building for Sasxsek, but in the process of researching words I'll often run across things that will fit in with one of my many other projects even though Sasxsek is the main focus. ------------------------------ dejnx nxtxr / Dana Nutter LI SASXSEK LATIS.