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Re: CHAT: Nakiltipkaspimak

From:czHANg <fengxing-czhang@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 11, 2000, 20:04
On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 13:49:00 +0200, Tal the Storyteller wrote:

> *grmpf*! One more incorporating language... You're all > thieves! :) What is it with this new batch 'a 'langers... all > incorporatin', all active-systems... Not that you are a newbie > Daniel but geeez... Are "they" putting something into the > water-supply? (Damn can't say that in târuven as there's no word > for "put", but wait...) What will be the next "big minds think > alike" -> "conlangers conlang alike" wave... Matrix-languages? (as > in C. J. Cherry's Chanur-series)
:) I am _not_ working on one of those noun-incorporating, all-active systems, hehe... BTW what is this Matrix-languages system like? ;) Seriously, I seem to be more intrigued by -roughly - two types of languages: 1) minimalistic strict word order languages (i.e. pidgins, creoles, sign language, code-languages [SeaSpeak, frinstances]) 2) almost "seemingly chaotic", free order isolating languages like Lisu (Lolo-Burmese) and the "poetic telegraphic", elliptical sign language used by experienced creative signers, by sign-learning children and by signing primates in language-experiments ... as well as the syntactical stylistics of poetic language. czHANg, who is planning on learning sign language (American Sign Language [ASL]) "Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be chaos. Before a brilliant person begins something great, they must look foolish to the crowd." - from the _I Ching_ _______________________________________________________ Say Bye to Slow Internet!