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Re: CHAT: Nakiltipkaspimak

From:Daniel Andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 11, 2000, 22:06
Marcus wrote:

> Daniel: > > What!? Holy macarony! You're right! I wonder why I did that. For some > > reason I seem to prefer that order subconsciously. Well. Perhaps it has > > to do with my built-in universal grammar which says that derivational > > elements should be closer to the root than inflectional ones. And a
> > agreement prefix seems more inflectional than an incorporated noun. :)
> Well, truth be told. The agreement-incorporated noun order is the most > common cross linguisticly.
Ok. I'm gonna have to read up on causatives and the Mirror Principle before I make a decision whether to have it agr-inc:noun or the other way around. Wouldn't wanna break the Mirror Principle, now would I? :) Daniel, who was hoping - in vain - that the MP was applicable on Swedish so he'd be able to finish his stupid assignment for tomorrow. It's gonna be a long night...