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Re: Quest for colours: what's basic then?

From:Javier BF <uaxuctum@...>
Date:Friday, April 23, 2004, 15:00
>Similarly, orange may well be red + yellow in scientific >or artistic terms, but no natlang is going to see it that way.
Why are you so sure about that? I think it's like stating that no natlang is going to see purple as red + blue (German does: blaurot). If you lack a specific term for orange, referring to that color using its basic visual components, red and yellow, seems to me only natural. Chaucer referred twice to orange as the color "betwixt yellow and red". And even nowadays having "orange" in English, "redyellow" has also been used for example for poetic effect - just search the web: "toward the far shore, the dustgrey sky above the first redyellow fires scattered on the green October hills" "Sunset over Cuba. A universe of stars in the darkness below. Crescent moon hangs in deep blue sky. A bright redyellow horizon splits my vision."
>> Hmm, 'gold' is really a surface property affecting the kind >> of reflection but not the wavelength, so that is no color.
It is a concept that combines color with visual texture. In fact, in real life it is often difficult to dissociate both aspects, because we perceive textures visually by means of color variations within the field of the surface. "Gold" is a color-texture combining an overall yellow basis with shininess, which causes that yellow to fluctuate in lightness widely from almost white to almost black. Cheers, Javier


Mark P. Line <mark@...>