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Re: Alternative histories and paralele universes

From:Andrew Smith <hobbit@...>
Date:Monday, January 4, 1999, 23:59
On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, John Cowan wrote:

> A natural candidate would be the horse itself, which evolved in > the New World before becoming extinct there; it survived only > because some horses had escaped over the Bering Strait to Asia. >
Now there's an interesting idea for an alternative history: all horses are rendered extinct before they could be domesticated. Way off topic for this list though. I think the book several people have referred to is _Aztec Century_, an alternitive history where the world is conquered by the Mexica or the Aztecs, one of the last countries to fall is occupied Britain. I read it but found the empire's thorough conquest slightly improbable and the denouement a little...disturbing. The American author Orson Scott Card speculated on something similar in a recent book on alternative histories but I can't think of the title off hand. (I think his most recent books suffer a bit from too much political correctness.) - andrew. Andrew Smith, Intheologus Q. Why are there so many Smiths in the Phone Book? A. Because they all have telephones! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GL d+ s-:+ a32 C+ UL P? L E? W++ N+ o-- K- w O M+ V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP- t+* 5+ X- R tv b+++ DI+ D-- G e++ h- !r y- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------