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Re: Alternative histories and paralele universes

From:Kenji Schwarz <schwarz@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 5, 1999, 3:55
On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Hawksinger wrote:

> Kenji Schwarz wrote:
> close enough. Nowapan is, for a variety of reasons, a very > isolationist, neutral, nuclear power with a population of about > 135,000,000. I am presently working out more of the details of its > role in WW 2 but it includes an invasion of Hokkaido in 1945. If > you are on Sakhalin, I could probably scrape together a few divisions > to liberate you as well :) We could probably work out some interactions
That might come in very handy :) I've figured either the Americans or the Soviets would have ousted the Japanese in '45, but I didn't quite like the post-war historical implications of either one. I have a suspicion that from, say, 1920-3 through the mid-30s the Sayat had some sort of Soviet-modelled socialist state, which was knocked over by the Japanese and replaced with a puppet government or military rule. On the other hand, it could be the Japanese had done the same to the Sayat in the wake of the Russo-Japanese war... thus creating a sort of shuttlecock game between the two powers.
> for Kamchatka too. I am willing to offer land in a large Northeastern > penninsula if you are interested, but there you run into my wildlife > and geography. Its mountainous, high tundras inland, and cold > rainforests along some coasts. Details on both are available from my
This actually sounds like an _ideal_ topographic/climatological setting. And I've had a strong urge to furnish the Sayat with weird beasties like mastodons, giant ground sloths, cameloids, etc. But I keep swinging back and forth on that -- keep it totally "real-world contemporary background" or go for the "really _altered_ alternate setting"? Before long, it's back to the mutant Commie lesbians from outer space. Sheesh. I'll definitely look more into Nowapan. Nowan language definitely caught my attention a while back :)
> Nowapan reference handbook at the conlang page below. Might be quite > interesting to have a Homo sapiens minority tucked away.
I'll take another look! IIRC, it will be a _great_ way to procrastinate on paper-writing for a while longer.
> How many Sayat speakers are there?
I'm not entirely sure -- just as with "setting realism", I keep wobbling between estimates of a few hundred speakers to a million, maybe as many as two million. Say half a million for a fairly safe ballpark figure ;) Kenji