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Re: OT: Socks (jara: piano)

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 19:47
Roger Mills wrote at 2003-05-27 11:51:32 (-0400)
 > There are (or were, when I visited a long time ago) definite L/R
 > socks in Japan; they had a separate little thing for the big toe, a
 > big pocket for the others-- so you could wear them with zori (or
 > geta?).  Quite sensible in cold weather.  Of course, socks with
 > sandals is an absolute fashion no-no bei uns.

They (the socks) are called _tabi_ (or _bessu_, I think, but that
word's not in my Japanese dictionary, and I only know it because I
accidentally memorized a mnemonic once).