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Re: OT: Socks (jara: piano)

From:Markus Miekk-oja <fam.miekk-oja@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 10:34
>Well, here in Taiwan I've seen these weird socks with >a seperate little pocket for EACH toe -- like little >foot gloves. I've never seen anyone actually buy or >wear them, but I see them for sale quite often, so >*someone* must be buying the things!
They're actually quite comfortable - and I guess, decrease the risk of developing certain fungi-related problems (don't know the English word, "fotsvamp" is the Swedish word) between toes. (Being a juvenile diabetic I am perhaps more aware of such pros and cons.) They're for sale in Finland too, at least (I've seen such here). I got them for birthday so I'm not guilty of buying them at least =) - Markus M


John Cowan <cowan@...>
Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>