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Re: DECAL: Examples #3: Phonological change rules

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Friday, January 14, 2005, 0:29
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 13:18:20 -0800, Sai Emrys <saizai@...> wrote:

> Same deal. > > Try to use /UR/->[SR] / X_# type rules (e.g. /C/ -> [-vd C] / [-vd C] > _ ) (# = word boundary). > > Q1: What are your *phonologically driven* sound change rules?
For Thag, since the others are a priori. I *think* you can apply these changes in the order they're written. That's the goal, anyway. PIE -> Thagojian $ = syllable boundary % = morpheme boundary KW = (kw, gw, gwh) Using CXS (except for certain special symbols) Where a source character is not shown, it does not change. bh -> f dh -> T tk^ -> K / $ _ dg^ -> K / $ _ dhg^h -> l / $ _ k^ -> s g^ -> S g^h -> tS gh -> x l -> ul / KW _ C l -> il / C _ C l -> l7 / C _ % r -> ur / KW _ C r -> ir / C _ C r -> r7 / C _ % m -> um / KW _ C m -> im / C _ C m -> m7 / C _ % n -> un / KW _ C n -> in / C _ C n -> n7 / C _ % kw -> p / _ (i,e) kw -> k / _ (u,o) gw -> b / _ (i,e) gw -> g / _ (u,o) gwh -> f / _ (i,e) gwh -> x / _ (u,o) e: -> e o: -> o e -> E Ei -> e o -> O Ou -> o The laryngeal rules are complex, and I haven't fully figured them out yet. They give rise to the consonants romainsed |q| and |h|. Vowel harmony rules are hard to write compactly. Basically: Front vowels: i e E Back vowels: u o O Neutral vowels: M 7 A Vowel harmony is based on the first vowel of the root of a given word (and thus is retrograde for prefixes). Disharmonic vowels in PIE become neutral vowels of the same height. Neutral vowels might be pronounced frontedly in front-harmony words, as /y 2 a/. I haven't even started to look at stress rules, stress movement rules, tone rules, or a number of other things.
> Q3: Motivation, again?
Pure whim. Paul