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Re: My New Project: Chromic

From:Almaran Dungeonmaster <dungeonmaster@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 6, 2002, 7:28
Ian Maxwell wrote:
> > > Siyo! (That's howdy in my conlang, Kayasanoda) > > Someone's bound to ask you this, but were you in the > > group a month or so back when we were talking about > > color in writing? There was quite a string on it. > > No! Arrgh, I never have an idea no one else has thought of. I > swear I invented the name Power Rangers independently.
I even remember seeing an example of an african natlang using color in its ortography. Sadly, I cannot find the URL anywhere, but maybe someone else can. I also discussed the use of color in ortography in an article I wrote for David's conlang class (btw, is there any chance this class is still going to be taught some time, David?). Maarten