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Re: Kassi oral anatomy (was Re: Kassi Kiss (...))

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 27, 2001, 23:54
My apologies for the delay.

Jörg Rhiemeier wrote:
> If they are avioid, i.e. bird-like: do they have beaks?
No. Their mouths are suspiciously humanoid. :-) Life on their world is very different from that on ours. For example, there are plants (plant-analog, I suppose would be the technical term) that have a low level of intelligence (insect-level or so).
> (What does a Kassi look like, anyway?)
They belong to the six-limb group of animals (what would be a good scientific word for "six-limb"? hexa-something, I assume?). The middle limbs evolved into bat-type wings, i.e., long stretched out fingers with thin membrane across them. They have a feather-like covering over their body, and give birth to live young, and the females lactate. So, they're really more mammal-like. Perhaps bat-like would be a better term, then. The wings are useless for flight, their ancestors gave up flight millions of years ago. The muscles have atrophied greatly, and they have become less streamlined. The wings are used to radiate heat away from their body, and can be used to fan themselves. Also, part of the panic response in their species is an involuntary flapping of the wings, a vestige of their ancestors' ability to fly away from danger. The Kassi's species (which I have come to informally refer to as "birdhead", after a friend's joking slur on them) have six digits on each limb. They also have *three* eyes, two in front providing binocular vision, and a rear eye that therefore lacks depth perception (and also has much lower resolution), but is useful for detecting danger. It also means you can't sneak up on a birdhead. :-) They have a longer lifespan than humans (in technological times, they have life expectancies of almost 2 Earth centuries), and a good percentage of them have latent telepathic abilities, the strongest telepaths making up the Secret Sisterhood, or Traderfolks as they are also known. The very strongest of the Secret Sisterhood are the Guild of Communicators, who form a network of telepaths across all the inhabited regions, allowing instantaneous communication between any two points. They are extremely fertile, having many natural predators. However, having achieved protection from most predators and many dangers, the fertility is a grave danger. They ration out birthing rights via a powerful natural contraceptive known as Root of Life. Various cultures have different methods of rationing out birthing rights. Among the Kassi, the Council of Elders determines which families shall be allowed to birthe each year, the Family Heads then determine which woman or women among them shall be given the right or rights. Which means their populations tend to be much more stable than human cultures, always ensuring that the population is somewhat lower than what the agricultural yield of a typical year can support. Famines are thus much rarer, as there are always plenty of stored grain for poor years. This is why the plant is known as Root of Life, everyone is aware that to not use it would result in severe starvation. Archeological evidence shows that before the discovery of Root of Life, most children were murdered after birth, some societies sacrificing them to gods, and some cannibalizing the children. They're adapted to hot climates. Their planet is quite a bit warmer than ours. They would find our tropics to be comfortable, and subtropics to be bearable, but would not venture into more temperate climates, were they to visit Earth. Their planet's atmosphere also has more oxygen and more carbon dioxide. I'm estimating ~23.2% oxygen. Atmospheric pressure is around 1.2 atmospheres. -- "There's no such thing as 'cool'. Everyone's just a big dork or nerd, you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." - overheard ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42


Herman Miller <hmiller@...>