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Re: NATLANG: What's the sound of Castilian <s>?

From:JR <fuscian@...>
Date:Sunday, December 7, 2003, 6:22
on 12/6/03 9:15 PM, Mark J. Reed at markjreed@MAIL.COM wrote:

> I have a coworker from Pamplona and I can't quite make out the > sound of his <s>es when he speaks Spanish. It's definitely > "softer"/more palatalized than [s], but I don't think it's [S]; > it might be [C]. I was wondering if anyone on here knew what > it was most likely to be, assuming his speech is typical of that area? > > -Mark
This reminds me of my Structure of Tagalog class, when the second native speaker whose speech we were transcribing had something like [s\] wherever we had written [s] for the first one. We were greatly befuddled until he acknowledged that he had a lisp. Maybe your coworker has a lisp, unless you've heard him use [s] in English. Or you may just be hearing the apical [s_a] or [T] as the others suggested. -- Josh Roth "Farewell, farewell to my beloved language, Once English, now a vile orangutanguage." -Ogden Nash