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Re: Evidence for Nostratic? (was Re: Proto-Uralic?)

From:Muke Tever <muke@...>
Date:Thursday, July 10, 2003, 15:03
From: "Rob Haden" <magwich78@...>
> I would present the last set, if it is correct, as: > > áh / ah / h > áx / ax / x > áxW / axW / xW > > However, can you cite any examples of the "long vowel series" with a: vs. > o: and o: vs. o:?
*bhe2- "say": E-grade G phe:mi (Dor pha:mi); L fa:ri: O-grade G pho:ne: "voice" 0-grade G phatos (ppl of phe:mi) o: vs o: is ever so slightly harder to discern, but *de3- "give" may have o-grade *do3- in G do:ron, L do:num "gift", opposed to what should certainly be e-grade in *de-de3-mi "I give" > G dido:mi, Skt dada:mi. *Muke! --