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Re: OT: How common is it to speak 5+ languages?

From:Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 21:44
I speak English as my L1. While in college I was
fluent in German after 2 years of high school and 2 of
college German, but that was 40 years ago and I'm
worse than rusty now. I have a passing familiarity,
but no fluency with Russian, Italian and Spanish.  I
recently read Harry Potter in Latin and surprised
myself at how much I remembered from high school Latin
40+ years ago.

Of all the languages I have played around with I am
really only fluent in English, Pascal, Forth, Basic,
and C++.  That's 5.  ;-)



Sai Emrys <saizai@...>