> Andrii Zvorygin wrote:
>> Indeed it seems that extra-terrestrials might use a form of
>> oligosynthetic-language due to some of their expressions.
>> For instance in the ra material
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra_(channeled_entity) there are many
>> such
>> allusions.
> While I think it is not at all unlikely that other intelligent beings
> exist on other planets within our universe, I think I need slightly
> more
> evidence than purported telepathic communication to persuade me to
> accept the existence of a particular group of exterrestrials. I notice
> it said that: "These entities claim that the ancient Egyptians
> worshipped them as their deity, Ra ...."
> But the ancient Egyptians did _not_ worship a deity _they_ called
> 'Ra'.
> The form 'Ra' is simply a _modern convention_ for pronouncing the
> ancient _rʕ_ (/r/+ pharyngeal voiced fricative); the ancient
> vocalization is not known. IIRC evidence from Akkadian transcriptions
> and from Coptic suggests that the ancient pronunciation was
> probably [ri:ʕ]
I had never heard of this "channeled" Ra, but once I had a dream in
which I met a god named Ram who claimed to be the god of this
universe, and said he was the inspiration for Ra and Rama.