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Re: THEORY: Conlanging as reverse Sapir-Whorf?

From:Daniel Andreasson <noldo@...>
Date:Saturday, November 27, 1999, 15:46
[ Don't know if you guys have read this due
to the server problems, so I'm resending it.
Sorry if you have to read this uninteresting
mail once again. ;) ]

Patrick Dunn wrote:

> What makes me wonder is this: what "ways of thinking" are there? This > assertion assumes that there are a set of "ways of thinking" that =
> the ways of communicating. If so, what are they? For example, =
Hatasoe is
> head-marking and has stative verbs insted of adjectives. What does =
> make it? What does that make *me*?
I think that the way I think affects the way I use my natlang and possibly that the way my natlang works affects the way I think (but the way my natlang works is rather just a consequence of the culture I live in). Is there anyone out there that actually has made up a conlang because they felt that they aren't happy with the way their natlang works? (except perhaps loglangs.) Myself, I just take things I consider cool from other langs and incorporate them into Rinya. Rinya is OVS, does that mean that I don't like that Swedish almost always put an agent/experiencer or an adverbial phrase as topic? Does it mean that I tend to focus on the patient or the theme rather than on myself (since 1p is often the subject)? I think not, I just want Rinya to be slightly different from most other langs. Though I guess that last sentence says something about my conlanging (and myself :). And I do in fact add things to Rinya that I think is missing in Swedish and English, e.g. inclusive and exclusive forms and dual forms of the pronouns. / Daniel