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Re: Word Construction for a New Conlang

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, July 9, 1999, 1:19 writes:
>Where did you get a fix? I've had a LOT of problems with Langmaker, so I >decided to generate words with a perl script (lexicon) instead. Now I >need a >program to do sound changes *sigh* I'd be interested in seeing Langmaker >with the fix though.
if you go to the langmaker page (i think) theres a section, if you scroll down that talks about the "Subscript out of range" error, and theres a version of lang maker that solves this. go here: and scroll down to where it says: "LangMaker/Win 1.11 Released For Beta Testing" ____________________________________________________________________ "Bailando en el fuego con un gran deseo" - India ____________________________________________________________________